Harmonyjunky: Oswestry in Harmony Community Choir
Tuesday mornings, 10.30-12.15. Oswestry Cricket Club, Morda Road, Oswestry, SY11 2AY
Jan 28th, Feb 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, March 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, April 1st (10 week term with no half term break)
Please contact Roxane@roxis.co.uk if you want more info.
This choir has been going since 2014 and many people have been members since the beginning.
We have a tremendously strong sense of community and support each other through the trials and tribulations of life.
We also love to celebrate birthdays/children/grandchildren…in fact, we love any excuse for a special cake and a laugh.
Many of the members have special enthusiasms for a variety of charities and the group loves to get involved.
We love to welcome new members who can come and try out 2 or 3 ‘taster’ sessions with us, and then we ask you to sign up for a term or half term.
The choir loves to get involved with other singing events and has taken part in Sing for Water Shrewsbury, Singing on the Sabrina Boat, Sing Away the Winter Blues and an annual residential trip to Borth Youth Hostel for a weekend of Singing and Fun.
Here is a picture of the Oswestry in Harmony Choir.
We love meeting at the Cricket Club because the room is bright and airy and you can look out over the greens.
Here is a picture of Tim who is working for Oxfam in Sudan. His mom Sarah - who sings alto in the choir - coordinates the ‘Seedlings for
South Sudan’ plant swap in Spring.
All the money goes to Oxfam South Sudan Appeal.
South Sudan Crisis
We are busking in Oswestry to raise money and awareness for
Designs in Mind .
Oswestry is very lucky to have such an amazing place for people who have mental health issues.
Located in town the centre supports and welcomes people and provides an encouraging and supportive environment for creativity.
Oswestry choir is extremely enthusiastic about getting involved with raising money for charities. It all started with Kate Thorpe raising money for Macmillan by baking her legendary cakes for a Macmillan Coffee Morning. Great Cake and a Good Cause! We look forward to the event every year.
We are always open to getting involved with any charity activity that singers bring.
From the Rotary Tree of Lights (which Sue Soprano is involved with), to Movember Men’s Health Awareness (thankyou for your informative quiz
Jonathan Bass), the Oswestry in Harmony group is always getting up to something.
Dolen Ffermio is a fantastic charity based in Wales and Uganda.
It is a charity that is championed by one of our Sopranos (Eileen)
and we love supporting this charity at Christmas by buying ethical Christmas presents.
Head out of town along Morda Road, pass The Marches School on the right hand side and the club is situated about 200 yards on the left, set back off the road.
This is the B5069 from the centre of Oswestry, south toward the Villiage of Morda. Our postcode, for Sat Nav, is SY11 2AY.
After working in a stressful job, singing in the choir has helped me to release the stress and sing again not just with my voice but with my heart.
I look forward to learning new songs and singing together each week as like food it just fills me up.!!
The group is very supportive and encouraging to each other and a great place to share community news and events .
- Wendy L-H, Oswestry
The Health Benefits of Singing
Here are some pdf reports outlining the benefits of singing:
Here is a picture of the Oswestry in Harmony Choir.
We love meeting at the Cricket Club because the room is bright and airy and you can look out over the greens.
Here is a picture of Tim who is working for Oxfam in Sudan. His mom Sarah - who sings alto in the choir - coordinates the ‘Seedlings for
South Sudan’ plant swap in Spring.
All the money goes to Oxfam South Sudan Appeal.
South Sudan Crisis
We are busking in Oswestry to raise money and awareness for
Designs in Mind .
Oswestry is very lucky to have such an amazing place for people who have mental health issues.
Located in town the centre supports and welcomes people and provides an encouraging and supportive environment for creativity.
Oswestry choir is extremely enthusiastic about getting involved with raising money for charities. It all started with Kate Thorpe raising money for Macmillan by baking her legendary cakes for a Macmillan Coffee Morning. Great Cake and a Good Cause! We look forward to the event every year.
We are always open to getting involved with any charity activity that singers bring.
From the Rotary Tree of Lights (which Sue Soprano is involved with), to Movember Men’s Health Awareness (thankyou for your informative quiz
Jonathan Bass), the Oswestry in Harmony group is always getting up to something.
Caption for the pic...
Head out of town along Morda Road, pass The Marches School on the right hand side and the club is situated about 200 yards on the left, set back off the road.
This is the B5069 from the centre of Oswestry, south toward the Villiage of Morda. Our postcode, for Sat Nav, is SY11 2AY.
After working in a stressful job, singing in the choir has helped me to release the stress and sing again not just with my voice but with my heart.
I look forward to learning new songs and singing together each week as like food it just fills me up.!!
The group is very supportive and encouraging to each other and a great place to share community news and events .
- Wendy L-H, Oswestry